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Parsa Beauty Gua Sha Rosen Quartz

Parsa Beauty Gua Sha Rosen Quartz

Regular price 14,500 IQD
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The Parsa Beauty Gua Sha Rose Quartz tool is a luxurious and effective skincare accessory designed to promote a radiant and healthy complexion. Made from high-quality rose quartz, known for its calming and healing properties, this Gua Sha tool helps to improve blood circulation, reduce puffiness, and enhance lymphatic drainage. By gently massaging the skin with this tool, you can relieve facial tension, sculpt and contour your face, and achieve a youthful glow. Regular use of the Parsa Beauty Gua Sha Rose Quartz can also aid in the absorption of skincare products, making your routine more effective and enjoyable.

أداة بارسا بيوتي غوا شا روز كوارتز هي أداة للعناية بالبشرة فاخرة وفعّالة مصممة لتعزيز بشرة مشرقة وصحية. مصنوعة من الكوارتز الوردي عالي الجودة، المعروف بخصائصه المهدئة والشفائية، تساعد هذه الأداة على تحسين الدورة الدموية وتقليل الانتفاخ وتعزيز تصريف اللمف. عن طريق تدليك البشرة بلطف بهذه الأداة، يمكنك تخفيف توتر الوجه ونحت وتحديد وجهك وتحقيق توهج شبابي. يمكن للاستخدام المنتظم لأداة بارسا بيوتي غوا شا روز كوارتز أن يساعد أيضًا في امتصاص منتجات العناية بالبشرة، مما يجعل روتينك أكثر فعالية ومتعة.


  • Reduces Puffiness and Swelling:

    • Helps drain lymphatic fluids, which can reduce swelling, especially around the face and eyes.

  • Promotes Skin Glow:

    • Enhanced circulation boosts skin's natural radiance.

  • Contours and Lifts:

    • Regular facial gua sha may help sculpt and define features like the jawline and cheekbones.

  • Minimizes Fine Lines:

    • Stimulating the skin can increase collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles over time.

How to use

The gua sha tool (typically made of jade or rose quartz) is gently pressed against the skin and moved in upward strokes. For the body, the strokes may be firmer to release deeper tension. Always use a lubricant like facial oil or body balm to avoid irritation.

For best results, it is advised to practice gua sha 2-3 times a week for facial benefits and as needed for body therapy.


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